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'The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.'

Sylvia Plath 

'Identification with form causes suffering.' — Eckhart Tolle​


​When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. My desire to write got me on the path of healing and what I discovered along the process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write, but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.​​​

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All of us having once been a powerless, helpless & dependent child without awareness, we would have internalized a lot of things that we don't even know we are still holding onto [the baggage] that are blocking us & holding us back from realizing our highest potential:  


> Self-limiting beliefs

> Conclusions we have drawn about ourselves

> Stories we tell about ourselves

> Problematic/defective sense of self ['There is something wrong with me']

> Lack ['I don't measure up']

> Feeling of unworthiness/unimportance

> Feeling invisible

> Feeling of marginalization

> Feeling of inferiority

> Pain

> Resentment

> Fear

> Doubt

> Guilt

> Shame


In order to let go what we are holding onto & relieve ourselves from the burden of carrying the baggage, however, we need to have found our true self first — who you really are & what we are worth. 


 — the transcendental dimension — which is limitless, infinite, abundant, vast & whole, because we won't be able to let go what we are holding onto unless we have found our true self first as if they defined who we were & what we were worth.


. Because as long as you haven't found your true self, you won't be able to let go what you are holding onto — to derive your sense of self & worth — as if they defined who you were & what you were  worth.


Before you can let go what you are holding onto & relieve yourself from the burden of carrying the baggage, you need to have found awareness itself (who you really are), the seat from which you can look — with distance & spaciousness — what you are holding onto without identifying with it. Because otherwise you will have a resistance to let go [because what you are holding onto gives you a sense of self & worth]. Once it's brought to the light of consciousness/awareness, it loses power over you.



 â€‹THE LIGHT WORK empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & express your full potential.


Beyond analysis of the mind or reconnection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:​

  1. CONNECT: with your deeper self & become rooted in it — consciousness itself — your LIGHT;

  2. LET GO: what you are holding onto that's blocking you from expressing your full potential — your SHADOW;

  3. USE: challenges [arenas you feel powerless/helpless about] as the opportunity to go deeper & let go your identification with form.

A growing expansion of consciousness & dis-identification with form — the process of HEALING —  would allow you to express your highest potential & fully shine in this world.​



  • Came to feel your intrinsic VALUE/WORTH/POWER, independent of anything external;

  • Found your true self — who you really are;


  • Came to access your INNER AUTHORITY;

  • Came to access your INNER STILLNESS;


  • Connected to the SOURCE, INFINITY of BEING;

  • ​Came to access the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of BEING;


FORMATS OFFERED (In-Person or via Zoom):

  • INDIVIDUALS: sessions package [6 x 1hr weekly sessions] that empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & realize your full potential; 

  • GROUPS: 3-hr immersive experience that empower participants with the tools to connect with their deeper self, from which they can unleash & express their full potential; â€‹â€‹â€‹

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